This may not be our first snowfall of the season (our first snow was only a dusting; see HERE), but today we woke up to our first snowfall with more than a symbolic significance.
This morning when we looked out the windows, we saw several inches of snow. It blanketed the trees, covered the deck, and was plenty to spend multiple sessions playing in throughout the day.
When my 6-year-old woke up, his first words were, “Mama, it snowed! Can we make maple candy (recipe HERE)?” Since it was 6:30am, I suggested that we should wait until after breakfast, but after breakfast we would certainly give it a try.
Tomorrow I’ll post a step-by-step guide to how we made our candy and some pictures of our delicious results (see HERE). Today, I’m enjoying playing in the snow, and working hard to scrub a whole lot of stickiness off of our kitchen stove, counters, and floor. In spite of our best efforts, we got maple goodness everywhere.
Oh, and I’ll be cleaning it off of my two boys too. One of them even managed to get maple candy in his hair. Yes, we had a lot of sticky fun this morning.
After all of the sugar today, I think we’re all going to need green juice for lunch. ::grin::
What sort of special things do you do in order to celebrate everyday moments?