It is warm and sunny outside today. While spring isn’t officially here, it feels like spring in our little corner of the world. And, feeling excited about the warm weather, my boys couldn’t wait until the afternoon when we planned to head to the park to fly kites (see HERE).
So they took their kites outside to fly in our yard. Unfortunately, one of the kites got stuck in the branches of our cottonwood tree. It’s one of the hazards of kite flying in a tree-filled space.
Seeing the kite stuck in the tree, with its string dangling below immediately brought to mind images of Charlie Brown and his kite-eating tree nemesis. Fortunately, we have many open spaces in which to fly kites, so this isn’t a frequent occurrence for us.
One of these days a big wind storm will blow this kite out of our tree. In the meantime, we all learn about patience, disappointment, and the temporary nature of possessions. We also have a lovely macaw perched in our cottonwood. How many people can say that?