We were planning to take a road trip out to California to visit my family for Christmas. But between snowstorms in the mountains, sick relatives in CA, and our own exhaustion at year’s end, we decided we would be better off taking the opportunity to rest and spend time together here at home.
While we enjoy these big road trips (see HERE), we always come home exhausted; and often my boys have picked up a cold or other minor sickness while we’re on the road. By staying home, we’re hoping that we can head into the New Year feeling healthy and rested instead of frazzled and worn out.
So what happens when you call off a planned trip at the 11th hour? Other than feeling sadness and a bit of disappointment at the prospect of missing an extended family gathering, mostly we just have the next few days open and free.
We were planning to be gone, so we have no local obligations or plans. Our mail is on hold. I stopped by the market after we made our decision today, so we’ve got food to carry us through. All we need to do is enjoy our time together.
Tomorrow I’ll start something for dinner in the slow cooker (something like THIS) to keep us nourished and warm. My husband has already suggested to our boys that together they can go out and cut down a pine branch from our yard to decorate and use as a Christmas tree.
I see us reading lots of books (perhaps snow books (see HERE) as it’s cold and snowy outside; and, of course, anything else that catches my boys’ fancy). We’ll do some baking. I’m planning to experiment with a grain-free sugar cookie recipe (recipe HERE), as well as make egg nog (recipe HERE) and pumpkin pie (recipe HERE). We’ll play lots of games (Sleeping Queens, see HERE; Uno, see HERE: and Mole Rats in Space, see HERE; plus some new favorites). We’ll sing together. It’ll be a simple holiday, and I think it will be just what we need.
Mostly, I’m hoping we can rest. That we can spend a few calm, uninterrupted days together. And that we can head toward 2018 ready to leave the rough aspects of 2017 behind and embrace the hope of a fresh start as we enter a new year.
May your holiday celebrations be merry and full of those you love, whether spent at home or away.
What have you done or do you have planned during this holiday season?
Updated to add COUPON: To save 20% on a slow cooker, or anything else from 360 cookware, use coupon code Everyday20