Thought for the Day: Miller

“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.” –Henry Miller


As we were walking down the street, my 4-year-old suddenly stopped.  “Look, Mama!” he exclaimed, “The flowers are so beautiful.  They fill up my eyes with beauty.”  So we stopped, and looked, and soaked in their loveliness.


It’s so easy to simply walk past moments of beauty in our daily routines.  For me, sometimes it takes my four-year-old’s sense of marvel and curiosity to remind me to slow down and see the magnificence in our day-to-day lives.


And once I drop down into that openness and slower pace, I remember that it’s always worthwhile.


May we pay close attention to the small, everyday things in our lives.  In them, we will find joy and reason to wonder.



2 thoughts on “Thought for the Day: Miller

  1. GiGi

    He is sooo observant!

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