Thought for the Day: Lennon

Thought for the Day, Lennon


Not only does reality give us lots of space to imagine and create other possibilities, our minds –and thereby our imaginations—interpret, and thus create, our reality.


We can dream up the life we want to live, and then use that as a goal to guide us in that direction. We can make daily decisions that will enable us to take what once seemed impossible and make it a reality.


We can also use the power of our imaginations to shape our interpretations of and responses to circumstances that are beyond our control. That is, what we see as reality isn’t necessarily the same thing everyone else sees. We each view life through the lens of our own thoughts and experiences. Our minds filter and interpret events and actions based on the parameters we set up for ourselves.


Practically, you will find what you look for in life, whether good or bad. So if you, for example, want to see more kindness in the world, than start acting benevolently and look for examples of the thoughtfulness of others around you.


Reality leaves a lot to the imagination. Let’s imagine a reality filled with peace, love, and contentment.


“Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.”  –John Lennon

2 thoughts on “Thought for the Day: Lennon

  1. Lesley

    It would be wonderful if we could create our reality. Then bad things would not happen to good people. What we can do is shape how we react to circumstances and suffering. The reality of the “outer world” can not change much. There will always be “illness, old age, and death” so to speak. We can influence how much suffering that other folks and beings feel to a very small degree and that is something. We can take action to not add to the suffering in the world. But mostly all we have control of is our thoughts that form our inner reality and perception of the outer reality. Even when it comes to perception the goal should not be to “deny” what is going on in the world by choosing to see only what we want to see (that does not make any kind of reality form or disappear) but rather to see all things as “neutral”. All the suffering comes from attaching labels of “good or bad” or “I want or don’t want” to situations, people and things. Still a great post as always!

    • Indeed. Those are wise words.

      Thank you, Lesley, for adding to this. I always appreciate your insights.

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