Thought for the Day: Einstein

We’ll soon head out of town to visit my family.  As I reminded my boys about our upcoming trip (so they won’t be surprised when we load them into the car for an 18-hour drive), the first question out of my son’s mouth was, “Have they opened that library near [great-grandma’s] house yet?”  At least we’re all clear on our priorities.


If you’re preparing for a trip over the holidays, you may find my Master Packing List (see HERE).  If you’ll be staying with someone who doesn’t have children, my list of things I brought to entertain my boys the last time we visited their great grandma (see HERE) may help to inspire you.  And, if you’re like us and have a long drive ahead of you, my post – which I should probably update – on How We Entertained our Kids [Screen Free!] on a 15 Hour Road Trip (see HERE) may give you a some ideas.


And wherever you go, knowing the location of the closest library is always helpful.  This vital piece of information makes it so you can pack things other than books along with you in your car.  After all, doesn’t every family hold library cards from multiple states?



“The only thing you absolutely have to know the location of is the library” – Albert Einstein

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