Thought for the Day: Kabat-Zinn

Thought for the Day: Kabat-Zinn


So often, my responses to situations seem to be on auto-pilot.  I don’t really think about my response, I simply respond.


Part of my interest in mindfulness is an attraction to being fully present in each moment, and being able to decide within that moment what would be an appropriate way to respond.  This is not to discount the wisdom that often comes from a gut response, it’s simply taking a moment to check in and be sure that whatever my particular reflexive response happens to be is how I truly want to respond in this given instance.


Mindfulness means paying attention to your daily life.  It’s in that conscious space that we can find beauty and peace.  It’s in that mindful moment that we can be intentional about our thoughts and actions.  And in this way, we can grow.



“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention.  This is how we cultivate mindfulness.  Mindfulness means being awake.  It means knowing what you are doing.”

― Jon Kabat-Zinn



What is your attraction to mindfulness and intentionality?

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