Relaxing Near the Bay

Relaxing Near the BayTaking time to relax, to step away from day-to-day demands, is important.  We all need white space in our lives.  Time that is unscheduled.  Time to think.  Time to dream.  Time to simply be.


While I work hard to create moments of quiet in my day-to-day life, as truly we all need to have downtime daily, it’s definitely a challenge to accomplish this while homeschooling two young, active boys.… Continue reading

An Invitation to Mindfulness: Chopping Mushrooms

An Invitation to Mindfulness: Chopping MushroomsMindfulness means paying attention to what you are doing.  It is a focus on what is going on in us and around us.  By focusing on the uniqueness of each moment, we can be undistracted from and accepting of whatever lies before us.


With a mindful focus, any task can become a meditation.  Tonight as I was chopping mushrooms for dinner, I focused exclusively on the task before me; it helped that my boys were outside working in the yard with my husband.… Continue reading

Thought for the Day: Martin Luther King Jr.

Thought for the Day: Martin Luther King Jr.


I believe that love can conquer fear, hatred, and heartache.


I look forward to a day when human kind can live in peace.  Let us work together, love one another, and leave a legacy of kindness and compassion wherever we go.



“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality.… Continue reading

Thought for the Day: Silverstein

Thought for the Day, Silverstein

In the midst of a book full of fun and silly poems, lies this message of truth.  Who are we to say what is impossible for someone else?  Or to let someone else say what is impossible for us?


“Listen to the MUSTN’TS, child,

Listen to the DON’TS

Listen to the SHOULDN’TS


Listen to the NEVER HAVES

Then listen close to me –

Anything can happen, child,

ANYTHING can be.”… Continue reading

The Battle of the Red Balloon

The Battle of the Red BalloonThe trouble started on Saturday night.  My 2-year-old suddenly decided he would not share.  And it got loud.


Two weeks ago a dear friend gave each of my boys a container full of water balloons.  My 7-year-old received green and orange balloons.  My 2-year-old received red and blue balloons.  Each of them was delighted.


The boys decided to share their balloons, using first one container and then the other, so that they wouldn’t accidentally get too many of the unused balloons wet (which can quickly result in a moldy mess). … Continue reading

Thought for the Day: Desmond Tutu

Thought for the Day: Tutu



We each have many opportunities to do good within our day-to-day lives.  Each morning, we awaken to a fresh opportunity to sustain this practice.  In this way, through the continued doing of good, we change our lives, we change the lives of those around us, and we change the world.


Even things as simple as saying a genuine thank you, meeting a person’s eye when you speak to them, or smiling at the people you walk past can touch the lives of others with kindness. … Continue reading

Thought for the Day: Kabat-Zinn

Thought for the Day: Kabat-Zinn


So often, my responses to situations seem to be on auto-pilot.  I don’t really think about my response, I simply respond.


Part of my interest in mindfulness is an attraction to being fully present in each moment, and being able to decide within that moment what would be an appropriate way to respond.  This is not to discount the wisdom that often comes from a gut response, it’s simply taking a moment to check in and be sure that whatever my particular reflexive response happens to be is how I truly want to respond in this given instance.… Continue reading

Finding Beauty in the Smallest Things: Hatching a Praying Mantis Egg

My boys and I have watched several different types of insects move through their life cycles.  In past years, we’ve watched ants make amazing tunnels.  We’ve observed as tiny caterpillars grew large, secreted a chrysalis, and emerged as butterflies (see HERE).  We’ve seen ladybugs transform from larvae, to pupa, and then into the adult ladybugs we all recognize.


This week, we watched over a hundred praying mantis nymphs emerge from a single egg. … Continue reading