An Invitation to Mindfulness: Chopping Mushrooms

An Invitation to Mindfulness: Chopping MushroomsMindfulness means paying attention to what you are doing.  It is a focus on what is going on in us and around us.  By focusing on the uniqueness of each moment, we can be undistracted from and accepting of whatever lies before us.


With a mindful focus, any task can become a meditation.  Tonight as I was chopping mushrooms for dinner, I focused exclusively on the task before me; it helped that my boys were outside working in the yard with my husband.… Continue reading

Flower Petal Reflections

Flower Petal Reflections Flower Petal Reflections

Today it is cold and very, very snowy. In spite of the lovely weather we had last week, spring feels a long time off.

This made today a great day to examine flower petals, with our hands, our minds, and our imaginations.

We engaged all of our senses as we looked at the various petals. We looked at them first with our naked eyes, and then with a magnifying glass.… Continue reading