My Baby Turned Two: Reflections on what a Baby Truly Needs

My baby turned two last month. I look at him now, and he is clearly a little boy instead of a baby. He attempts everything his big brother does. He’s fearless, and generally successful in his imitation attempts. Because he will be our last child, as he’s grows, we’re giving away all of our baby things.


It feels bittersweet as we pass them on; the small sadness of knowing we won’t have another baby, coupled with the excitement of moving beyond the baby stage and watching as our boys are ready to begin bigger adventures.… Continue reading

Life: When Chaos Descends

Every once in a while, I feel like chaos simply descends upon our house. We’re all going through life, fairly normal and happy and in a routine of sorts, and then, one day, seemingly from out of nowhere: chaos. This week it was ushered in by the conjunction of two things. First, my 2 year old is both teething and has a nasty cold.… Continue reading

Get Moving: Go Fly a Kite

Get Moving: Go Fly a KiteWe’ve been trying for weeks to go kite flying. We’ve had our kite ready to go. We’ve had several afternoon playdates scheduled with friends at an open park that would be great for kite flying. We’ve even practiced running the kite around our yard (though not too much – we have far too many trees to be a good yard for flying a kite).… Continue reading

Working in the Garden: Planting Irises

Working in the Garden: Planting IrisesWe’re slowly working on reclaiming the garden spaces around our home that have been awash in weeds since the big Boulder flood came through our yard and home in 2013. Last year we pulled all of the weeds in one bed and planted a bunch of strawberries. While they haven’t spread as much as I thought they would, we’re thrilled that they came back again this year (I love perennials) and seem to be doing well.… Continue reading

Why We Cloth Diaper

As my toddler begins expressing an interest in using the toilet (Admittedly, this is mostly an interest in wearing underwear; unless it’s in the middle of the night, than he wants to get up and use the toilet), I find myself reflecting on our diapering experiences.

I stumbled on this rather lengthy email that I sent a pregnant friend when my oldest, now 6 years old, was a toddler.… Continue reading

The Joys of Grandparents

There’s something magical about grandparents. I remember growing up that I thought my grandma was pretty much the most amazing woman in the world. (Honestly, I still think that, and attribute much of who I am to her caring influence.) During our road trip to California, we spent a wonderful five days with my grandparents – my boys great grandparents – and we all enjoyed it immensely.… Continue reading

How We Entertained our Kids [Screen Free!] on a 15 Hour Road Trip

How we Entertained our Kids [Screen Free!] on a 15 Hour Road TripWe spent 15 hours in the car starting at our house and driving until we reached my brother’s home, with many rest and gas stops in between. The temperatures we encountered ranged from 28 (Vail Pass) to 105 degrees (Las Vegas). One child vomited from car sickness. It could have easily been 2 boys plus one mama; so that’s not too bad, all things considered.… Continue reading