Family Game Suggestions

With everyone social distancing and taking self-quarantine measures during the COVID-19 Pandemic, a number of friends have asked me for game suggestions.  Here are some of the games we’re playing and enjoying in our house:


**I will try to update this post with more details over the next few days.  But for now, I’m off to play a game with my kids.**… Continue reading

The Importance of Modeling Learning for your Kids

One of the things I strive to instill in my children is that learning is a lifelong endeavor.  We will always have things to learn (no one knows everything!).  In fact, I often remind them, the more we learn, the more we realize we don’t know.  Learning not only teaches us, it helps to ask more and better questions. 


So many people in our culture see admitting that they don’t know something as a sign of weakness. … Continue reading

Thought for the Day: Einstein

We’ll soon head out of town to visit my family.  As I reminded my boys about our upcoming trip (so they won’t be surprised when we load them into the car for an 18-hour drive), the first question out of my son’s mouth was, “Have they opened that library near [great-grandma’s] house yet?”  At least we’re all clear on our priorities.… Continue reading

Learning is Fun: Weaving a Basket

Part of helping kids to grow is challenging them to explore and utilize the myriad of intellegences that reside in their bodies.  Gross motor skills, emotions, logical reasoning, fine motor skills, empathy, planning, and on and on and on.


I try hard to teach these different things to my children through interactions in our everyday lives.  I include them in my own efforts and learning (see HERE). … Continue reading

Don’t Pass Up your Chance to Vote

Election Day is this Tuesday, November 6.  My ballot this year was long, including national, state, and local representatives and issues.  So many of these issues, on all three levels of government, are big, important, and will impact our day-to-day lives.  My friends in other states tell me their ballots are similar.


Some people think only the presidential elections are important. … Continue reading

Encouraging Innovation: Building an Apple Harvester

My 9-year-old loves inventing and building things.  Sometimes he sees an idea somewhere and decides to build or make something similar of his own.  Sometimes he sees an object, figures out a way to improve upon the design, and sets about creating his own improved version.  And, sometimes, he sees a need for something and comes up with a way to meet that need through something he imagines and then makes.… Continue reading

Family Game Night: Skip-Bo Card Game

Family Game Night: Skip-Bo Card GameSkip-Bo is a fun card game the whole family can enjoy.  The rules are fairly simple, and you can learn them quickly.  And it’s an easy enough game that almost anyone who is able to recognize and sequence their numbers can play.


We’ve played with anywhere from 2 to 6 people, and had fun with each different grouping.  If you added a second deck of cards, you could easily have more people join in the game.… Continue reading