Easiest Everything-Free Brownies (Vegan, Paleo, GAPS, Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Fruit-Sweetened)

My son recently had a birthday.  For his birthday party, he wanted to share brownies with his friends.  That sounds simple enough.


Enter food allergies.  My family has a number of food allergies.  The main one impacted by the desire for brownies is the fact that we eat a grain-free diet.  That, however, isn’t the whole of the issue.  We’ve made delicious brownies before. … Continue reading

Homemade, Healthier “Almond Joy” Bars

The other week, my favorite chef – who also happens to be one of my dearest friends, had a discussion with my boys regarding their favorite treats.  When he mentioned that his one of his favorites were Almond Joy bars, my boys stared at him blankly.  They had no idea what he was talking about.  Because of their food allergies, they have never tasted an Almond Joy bar.… Continue reading

Chocolate Cake with Coconut Whipped Cream and Raspberries (Paleo)

Yesterday hosted a small birthday celebration for a dear, long-time friend (over 25 years!).  She and the other friends present routinely spoil my boys, as well as my husband and me, so we took advantage of the situation to put together something special for them.


My 8-year-old planned out the meal.  He read through cookbooks and started with an extremely elaborate menu. … Continue reading

Fruit-Sweetened Chocolate Mint Pudding

Fruit-Sweetened Chocolate Mint Pudding RecipeI love the combination of chocolate and mint. It’s got all of the delicious decadence of chocolate along with the refreshing hint of mint. Together they are amazing.


So when we were looking for a healthy, sweet treat, I decided to adapt my Fruit-Sweetened Chocolate Avocado Pudding (recipe HERE) to be a Fruit-Sweetened Chocolate Mint Pudding instead.


The result was delicious.… Continue reading

Fruit-Sweetened Chocolate Brazil Nut Milkshake

Today as I was writing I suddenly had a huge craving for chocolate. I didn’t have anything chocolate made or ready-to-eat, so I pulled ingredients out of my pantry, refrigerator, and freezer and tossed them all into the blender. What came out not only fulfilled my chocolate craving, it tasted really fantastic and was very easy to make.


This single-serving Milkshake recipe is vegan, raw, simple to prepare, and full of chocolaty goodness.… Continue reading

Fruit-Sweetened Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Pops

Fruit-Sweetened Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice PopsApparently we haven’t been making enough smoothies lately (see HERE), because when my 2-year-old asked for an ice pop today, we were completely out. So I pulled out my blender and made a special smoothie batch specifically to use for ice pop making.


I’d love to say I filled all of our ice pop molds with this chocolaty, peanut buttery goodness, but all four of us drank some of it in smoothie form too (and it was fantastic!).… Continue reading

Fruit-Sweetened Chocolate Milkshake

Fruit-Sweetened Chocolate Milkshake RecipeThe other day, a friend sent me a picture of a milkshake, reminiscing about all of the milkshakes we drank in college (yeah, they were pretty much a food group in our apartment). So when my boys were looking for a treat on a hot summer afternoon, I decided to make us some milkshakes of our own.


I wanted to make something healthier than the sugar-filled milkshakes that powered me through late nights of studying during my undergrad years, so instead of using ice cream as the cold part of this recipe, I used frozen bananas.… Continue reading