Homemade, Healthier “Almond Joy” Bars

The other week, my favorite chef – who also happens to be one of my dearest friends, had a discussion with my boys regarding their favorite treats.  When he mentioned that his one of his favorites were Almond Joy bars, my boys stared at him blankly.  They had no idea what he was talking about.  Because of their food allergies, they have never tasted an Almond Joy bar.… Continue reading

Homemade Maple Snow Candy: A Step-by-Step Guide

The other day we had our first big snowfall of the season. My 6-year-old asked that we celebrate by making Maple Snow Candy, something we read about last winter in a book about American pioneers.


It was fairly simple, as candy making goes, to make this candy. It only requires maple syrup, a bowl of snow, and a stove (or a fire – if you want to be really authentic) to heat it.… Continue reading