When you’re running late or barely on time, every little hiccup feels stressful. The fact that your child wants you to help him with his shoes, the need to run back upstairs to grab your reusable shopping bags, or having to slow down on the road due to road construction or a biker taking his time riding down the hill can all feel frustrating.
Now imagine the same situation if you had 10 extra minutes. Suddenly, helping your child, running back upstairs to grab something, a slow down due to construction or a red light, or whatever other impediment you encounter doesn’t feel quite so maddening.
Instead of decrying everything that may be making you late, with a few extra minutes you can simply do what you need to take care of and move on, knowing that you have a bit of a cushion to handle the unexpected and that you’ll still be on time. There’s no need to rant, rave, or grumble (internally or externally).
I find that leaving 10 minutes early gives me a cushion that covers the multitude of surprises that seem to come with getting two young boys out the door (I find our Exit Cabinet (see HERE) as well as a good bit of home organization also help with that), the unexpected delays that come with driving through an area that’s still recovering from a natural disaster, or just the various curve balls that life throws at us.
This greatly simplifies my life by helping me to feel calm and centered even if something unexpected comes up as we’re heading out the door or driving some place. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or worried about being late, I know that I have a built in cushion that will still allow me to arrive on time.
And if we end up somewhere a few minutes early? Well, that is why I always carry a book or two with me.
Do you leave yourself a cushion of time to allow for the unexpected? Do you find this helps you to stay calmer?
So simple, so obvious. A great idea I need to try.
Yes! It’s easy, and makes such a big difference for us. 🙂