We recently returned from a two-week trip to visit family. My husband was on the road for the two weeks before we left, and returned with only one day at home between his business trip and the departure for our family trip. All that to say, the planning and packing largely fell on my shoulders.
While I spent some time the week before we departed preparing myself for the trip, I didn’t worry about packing. We’ve made similar trips, and I knew I could rely on my packing list to account for all of the necessities our trip would require.
I keep a master packing list that encompasses the things we need for the various places we visit. That is, the list contains everything we generally need, as well as a few things that are location specific. I know that I can pull out that list, put those things into our bags, and that we will have everything we need. We won’t find ourselves at a lake without life jackets. We won’t end up in a room without a way to help black out the windows. No one is going to be without underwear or socks.
Then, when I know we’re going on a trip, I take the Master Packing List and modify it as needed for the particulars of our soon-coming excursion: the time of year, the predicted weather, any special events, and so on.
The day before we left, I printed out my list, and in a short period of time I had the bags packed for my boys and me. (My husband packed his own bag). Later that day I packed up the food we bringing with us, and we were set.
Then I was done. It was easy. And packing was the simplest part of our trip.
I highly recommend putting together your own master packing list for your travels. It simplifies your life by making the preparations quick and stress-free. If you bring everything on your list, you can be pretty sure that you have all of your basics covered. And it’s easier to focus on and think about the few out-of-the-ordinary things you may need or want to bring when you know that you already have all of your everyday necessities accounted for.
While what you need for a trip may be different from what we require, I’m happy to offer my list as a place to start thinking about your own.
My Master Packing List
Whole Family trip
For Me:
5 underwear
5 socks
3 bras
1-2 pants
5 shirts
1-2 skirts
Bathing suit
rash guard
For DS1:
5 pants/shorts
5 shirts
5 underwear
5 socks
Bathing suit
rash guard
For DS2:
5 pants/shorts
5 shirts
5 socks
5 underwear
Bathing suit
rash guard
toothpaste (we use THIS)
dental floss (we use THIS)
coconut oil (a tiny jar of THIS)
moon cup
face serum
shampoo/baking soda/Apple Cider Vinegar
body soap (we use THIS)
sunscreen (we use THIS)
brush, hair clips
medical stuff
Epsom salts/sea salt (for bath)
K books
DS1 books
DS2 books
Essential oils
iPod/charger (we have an older version of THIS)
DS1’s camera/charger
DS1’s MP3/charger (we have an older version of THIS)
powdered laundry soap (we use THIS)
K body pillow
face mask (we use one like THIS)
travel pillow (we use one like THIS)
night light (we use one like THIS)
life jackets
Hotel bag:
1 change of clothes each
Painters tape (we use THIS)
Clothes pins (like THESE)
For car:
Blankets (VC, plaid, Gigi)
Spare rag towels
Garbage sacks
Snacks for car
3 gallon water bottle (we use one like THIS)
small water bottles (we use THESE)
Food for Trip.