Simplify Saturday: Media Sabbatical

Simplify Saturday: Media Sabbatical

Today, unplug. Take a media sabbatical for yourself.

Media is a near constant presence in our lives. It creeps in to all of those quiet places and fills them with noise. Some media is helpful, beneficial, and even necessary. But much of it is simply noise.

Browsing online is not doing nothing. Listening to music is not doing nothing. To truly see what is inside our minds, to truly give ourselves space to think unfettered thoughts and to dream amazing dreams, we need to give ourselves space and to give ourselves quiet.

You can decide to make it for one minute, one hour, or one day. I plan to spend to spend several hours today with my phone and computer both off. Whenever I do this, I feel find that I’m back in touch with my self, my visions, and my dreams.


You can read more on the importance of quiet HERE.

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