Simplify Saturday: Clean out Medicine Cabinet

Simplify Saturday: Clean out Medicine Cabinet

Today I went through my bathroom medicine cabinet. The cabinet was pretty much filled to maximum capacity. Most of the stuff in there is stuff that we want to keep around in case we need it (an assortment of essential oils, homeopathics, and herbals), but there were also many things that we no longer use.

For instance, I had a stash of essential oils of assorted brands from before I discovered Young Living. None of them are near the quality of Young Living (Honestly, I haven’t found any other brand that nears their quality), and I won’t use them. So I packed them up and plan to give them away on Freecycle.

I also got rid of some various beauty products that I no longer use: an old face toner, a mouthwash that nobody liked, and some sunscreen that was past its expiration date.

Now, my cabinet feels spacious, only contains items that we either use regularly or will use if we need arises, and I can easily find what I’m looking for. Perfect.

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