Spring is here, and with the rebirth of the world around us comes a reawakening of my boys’ desire to be up in the trees. It doesn’t matter whether we’re in our own yard, at a park, along a hiking trail, or in front of our local library (where I took this particular picture), if they see a tree that looks good for climbing, they are ready to go.
When my 7-year-old asked what the blossoms on this tree smelled like, I responded, “Why don’t you climb up and find out?” And up he went, with my 2-year-old following close behind.
I think it’s important for my boys to be in touch with nature, and climbing trees is one of the many ways that they can connect in body and in spirit with the natural world that surrounds us.
For more details on why I encourage tree climbing, and why I think that you should allow your kids to climb trees too, you can read my post: 9 Things Learned by Climbing Trees (article HERE).