Dandelion Root and Chicory Tea

Dandelion Root and Chicory Tea

During the winter, everything slows down. Animals hibernate, plants go dormant, people spend more time indoors; everything turns inward. I feel like the same thing holds true of my body. And at times like this, I love to make Dandelion Root and Chicory Tea.

Dandelion root is a great liver cleanser.  It’s also helpful with purifying the blood. Dandelion also has a host of other health benefits, including aiding with digestion, lowering blood pressure, regulating blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation, and boosting the immune system.… Continue reading

Flower Petal Reflections

Flower Petal Reflections Flower Petal Reflections

Today it is cold and very, very snowy. In spite of the lovely weather we had last week, spring feels a long time off.

This made today a great day to examine flower petals, with our hands, our minds, and our imaginations.

We engaged all of our senses as we looked at the various petals. We looked at them first with our naked eyes, and then with a magnifying glass.… Continue reading

Simplify Saturday: Media Sabbatical

Simplify Saturday: Media Sabbatical

Today, unplug. Take a media sabbatical for yourself.

Media is a near constant presence in our lives. It creeps in to all of those quiet places and fills them with noise. Some media is helpful, beneficial, and even necessary. But much of it is simply noise.

Browsing online is not doing nothing. Listening to music is not doing nothing. To truly see what is inside our minds, to truly give ourselves space to think unfettered thoughts and to dream amazing dreams, we need to give ourselves space and to give ourselves quiet.… Continue reading

The importance of quiet

The Importance of QuietLife with two young boys in the house can be loud. Very, very loud. Loud games are commonplace. Loud voices – frequently laughing and having fun, though not always – punctuate the hours. There is always a lot of crashing, be it boys tumbling into something, block towers collapsing, or a bookshelf being cleared by my toddler. Our house is filled with lots of chasing, lots of somersaults, lots of jumping, and more dancing than I ever would have imagined.… Continue reading

This week’s healthy snack: Pumpkin seeds

Healthy Snack: Pumpkin Seeds

I frequently let my boys choose what they want to eat; foraging among the healthy foods we stock in our refrigerator and pantry. As such, they tend to go through mini food trends. Last week, my 6-year old ate tons of celery and peanut butter (you can read about it HERE). This week’s snack of choice? Pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are a great, healthy snack.… Continue reading

Attention WordPress.com Followers, or Changing Subscription Services

You’ve probably noticed that there is a new subscription form on Everyday Mindful Living’s** right sidebar. (At least, I hope it’s there. I’ve been experiencing some technical difficulties with getting the form up and running.)

When I first set up Everyday Mindful Living,** I used the default subscription service available through WordPress. However, I recently decided to change to a different subscription service that allows me to set some parameters on email deliveries.… Continue reading

Grain-free Coffee Cake Recipe

Over the weekend we had a big group of people over for brunch, and as part of our feast decided to serve a coffee cake.

The recipe I used is based on a recipe from Elana Amsterdam’s Paleo Cooking from Elana’s Pantry. Of course, I modified it. And as I ate a slice of it this time, I contemplated further modifications for the future (such as adding some shredded coconut – yum!).… Continue reading

Learn about Symmetry with Valentines

Making Valentines is a great way to learn about symmetry.

The simplest type of symmetry is reflection symmetry. In this type of symmetry, one side of an object reflects the other side. This is the type of symmetry we see if we place a mirror in the middle of something, so we see the one half reflected to make a whole.… Continue reading