Need a Way to Entertain a 4-year-old? Try Puzzles

Last week my 4-year-old discovered he could put together puzzles.  Not the wooden puzzles we had around while he was a toddler, but more complex puzzles aimed at older kids.


His growth and development have made many big leaps recently, but this is one that he’s latched onto himself as being proud of.  (His better sleeping skills are the one my sweetie and I are most delighted with.)  He loves the challenge of putting together these more-complex puzzles.  And while sometimes he wants to work with someone else for the fun of companionship, this is largely a task he can and will undertake on his own.


While he’s working by himself, I’ve had the opportunity to call my grandmother, pay bills, cook, and read – all uninterrupted.  It feels like the start of a big shift in our home life.  And, my 4-year-old is having lots of fun while challenging himself.


If you’re looking for suggestions, this week he’s put together the following:

World Map Floor Puzzle

Farm Floor Puzzle

Garden Party Puzzle (this is a floor version of the puzzle we have – our puzzle is smaller, but the delightful picture is the same)

Garden Creatures Puzzle (a step up in number of pieces from the other three; apparently it’s no longer made, but this company makes other similar, beautiful puzzles such as THIS, THIS, THIS, and THIS)


We haven’t tried something more complex yet, but perhaps something like THIS will come next.  Then perhaps my two boys can undertake it together.



What sort of quiet activities keep your young child engaged on his/her own?

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