Improve Indoor Air Quality by Using Natural Household and Beauty Products

Improve Indoor Air Quality by Using Natural Household and Beauty ProductsA new study finds that household products, such as perfumes, cleaners, paints, and so on, now rival auto emissions as the primary source of urban air pollution.  This is a big deal.  It means that the products that we are using in our houses – those products we utilize to clean, decorate, and maintain our homes as well as those we use directly on our bodies – are poisoning the air we breathe.  And if they’re making the air around us toxic, just imagine what happens inside our bodies when we apply them directly onto our skin.


This is a big deal.  But it’s also something that’s fairly simple to remedy with a little bit of time and effort.  Instead of buying conventional cleaning and body care products, you can make your own (recipe links below!) or buy natural alternatives.


Below I’ve linked to some of the recipes I’ve posted for making your own natural cleaning and beauty products over the years.  If you feel too rushed and harried to make your own (and, let’s face it, who isn’t incredibly busy these days?), you can find a link to my favorite pre-made powerful, natural household products HERE.


Let’s clean up our homes and our air together.  Here are some of my favorite recipes for homemade household and beauty products:

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaning Spray
Homemade Natural Scouring Powder
DIY Foaming Hand Soap
Homemade Hand Sanitizer
Clay Diffuser Ornaments
Homemade Citrus Spice Air Freshener

Homemade Healing Skin Salve
Amazing Homemade Face Serum
Simple, Natural, Homemade Deodorant
Homemade, All-Natural Diaper Rash Cream
Homemade Fizzy Bath Bombs
Homemade Bath Salts
All-Natural Insect Deterrent


Do you have household and beauty care products you make yourself that are clean and natural?  I’d love to hear about them!

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