Healthy Snack: Raw Vegetables and Guacamole

Healthy Snack: Raw Vegetables and GuacamoleWhile my boys don’t always eat a ton of raw vegetables on their own, they will devour them by the handful if we have a dip to go along with them. So when I cut up and serve an assortment of raw vegetables along with a delicious dip, I know they’ll get several servings of vegetable goodness in one sitting.

Today we cut up carrots, celery, and red bell pepper and served them all with guacamole. Three different colors, four different nutritional profiles, lots of crunch, and a whole lot of healthy goodness. This is a great no-cook, healthy snack for a hot summer afternoon.


Raw Vegetables with Guacamole

1 batch Guacamole (recipe HERE)
4 Carrots, cut into sticks
4 Celery Stalks, cut into sticks
1 Red Bell Pepper, cut into strips

Give each person a bowl of guacamole, or serve it family style in one large bowl, along with a variety of vegetables. Eat and enjoy. Yum!

2 thoughts on “Healthy Snack: Raw Vegetables and Guacamole

  1. I’m SO impressed that your boys will eat guacamole and fresh veggies. Bravo! (My son’s taste buds aren’t quite there yet.) Thanks for sharing your guacamole recipe, too.

    • I’m fortunate that my boys are both good eaters with diverse palates. It makes feeding everyone so much easier. 🙂

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