One of my favorite healthy breakfasts is Eggs over Braised Greens. I’ve also been known to serve this to my boys and me for dinner when my husband is out of town. You can braise some fresh greens – spinach cooks down quickly and easily, taking only a little bit more time than your eggs to cook. This is also the perfect way to use leftover Garlic Braised Greens (recipe HERE) or leftover Braised Greens with Cranberries (recipe HERE), if you have them on hand.
This provides a very healthy, balanced meal: lots of greens, protein, and healthy fats.
Eggs over Braised Greens Recipe
Coconut Oil (or ghee, or other oil/fat of choice)
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Put a generous amount of coconut oil (or oil of choice) in a pan over medium heat. Once the oil is melted, add your greens and braise them according to THESE directions. Or, if using leftover greens, place them in a pan over low heat to reheat them. Season greens to taste.
In another pan, warm oil of choice and cook eggs in your desired manner. (I like my eggs lightly cooked, sunny side up. The runny yolk tastes marvelous with the greens).
Place a generous serving of greens on to each plate. Place the cooked eggs on top of the greens.
Serve and enjoy.
NOTE: Remember that greens cook down considerably, so what looks like a huge amount of fresh greens cooks down to a rather small amount of cooked greens.
I like eggs over lambs quarters, dandelion leaves, and “cheeses’ from the little mallow plant. All edible weeds in my yard. Topped with chevre, paneer, or lentils. I have never tried cranberries. Have to do that tomorrow for breakfast!
We also like dandelion greens, though I don’t know how to spot lambs quarters or mallow. I love the idea of foraging our yard for breakfast! Now I want to find out what other edibles reside in my yard.
Breakfast every couple of days! 🙂