Easiest Everything-Free Brownies (Vegan, Paleo, GAPS, Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free, Fruit-Sweetened)

My son recently had a birthday.  For his birthday party, he wanted to share brownies with his friends.  That sounds simple enough.


Enter food allergies.  My family has a number of food allergies.  The main one impacted by the desire for brownies is the fact that we eat a grain-free diet.  That, however, isn’t the whole of the issue.  We’ve made delicious brownies before.  The issue came up when combining the food allergies in our house with the food allergies of our friends.  Their boys can’t eat nuts or eggs.  And we all avoid most dairy.


So I started searching around for a grain-free, nut-free, vegan brownie.  This is not an easy thing to find.  That said, I stumbled upon Arman’s recipe for 2-Ingredient Brownies, and after a taste test, I realized that we had a solution to our problem.


I have to say, these brownies have a very distinctive banana flavor.  So if you don’t like bananas, they are definitely a no go.  We added chocolate chips to help mitigate that, but they’re still unquestionably taste of bananas.


I also found when I cooked the brownies for the length of time Arman suggested, my brownies came out like pudding that held its shape.  When I increased the cooking time by 10 minutes, they actually solidified enough that they stayed solid even when they weren’t straight out of the refrigerator.


So are you ready for the recipe for these amazing [Almost] Everything-Free Brownies?  Here’s how to make them:



Easiest Everything-Free Brownies

3 large bananas
¼ cup cacao powder
¼ cup dark chocolate chips
Oil, for greasing pan (coconut oil or ghee work well)

Mix the bananas and cacao powder until thoroughly combined.  I did this in my food processor, and blended it until it had a little bit of air incorporated in the batter.  I think this helped with the texture.  That said, you can also mash and mix as best as you can with a stand mixer, a hand mixer, or even a wooden spoon.

Mix in the chocolate chips by hand.

Grease an 8”x8” glass baking dish with oil of choice.  Pour the brownie mixture into the prepared pan.

Bake for 35 minutes.  Let cool completely, and then set in the refrigerator to finish setting.

Cut into squares, serve, and enjoy!

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