We’ve known that the first snowfall of the season could hit at any time for a while now. We’ve had it snow as early as September here at our Rocky Mountain home, so making it until early November without snow actually feels a bit luxurious.
Last month my 6-year-old excitedly asked if we could celebrate the first snowfall with sledding and making maple candy (recipe HERE). I told him that if we got enough snow, we would definitely do both.
Last night’s snow fall wasn’t enough for either activity, so we decided to celebrate in other ways. We sang snow songs over and over (Winter Wonderland, Sleigh Ride, Frosty the Snowman, and Jingle Bells; in case you were wondering). We made hot spiced chai (recipe HERE). Yum!
Then my 6-year-old made a gingerbread evergreen tree, completely with lots of bright decorations, to bring a bit of winter festivity to our home.
Snow comes and goes quickly at this time of year. We only got a dusting, and it was completely melted by around 10am. I don’t know when our second snow will happen, but perhaps that will be the snowfall after which we sled and make maple candy.
It’s always fun to do something special to commemorate the changing of the seasons (both the official calendar change, as well as events like the first snowfall or the first spring flower that hold symbolic significance). My boys and I all enjoy these little [semi-] impromptu celebrations. They generally aren’t anything elaborate, but they’re usually something a bit different and special.
Not only are they fun, these little merriments also remind us to look for reasons to celebrate within our everyday lives. Rejoicing in our blessings, even in small things like the seasonal changes in the weather, helps all of us to live lives full of gratitude.
How do you mark the changing of the seasons in your home? Do you know any other snow songs?
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