Gender Stereotyping in Boys Clothing

My boys wear used clothing almost exclusively. I haven’t bought them any new outfits; the only new items I’ve bought are underwear, socks, and shoes. Everything else they wear now or have worn is either used or has been a gift. We’ve been fortunate enough to receive a great many clothes as hand-me-downs from family and friends. My boys have also received, especially when they were babies, gifts of new clothes.… Continue reading

Thought for the Day: Thorp

“Cooking gives you the opportunity to meet the things you eat. You can touch each carrot or olive and get to know its smell and texture.You can feel its weight and notice its color and form. If it is going to become part of you, it seems worthy, at least, of acknowledgment, respect, and thanks. It takes much time and care in order for things to grow, and many labors are needed to bring these ingredients to the kitchen.… Continue reading