Homemade Natural Scouring Powder

Homemade Natural Scouring PowderThe other day I was reading about the many hazardous chemicals contained in everyday cleaners. While we’ve replaced most of the cleaning products in our home with safer versions or products that I make for us, it’s rather concerning to me that trying to clean up can be linked with so many health hazards.

We’ve been using a “green” scouring powder for years.… Continue reading

Simplify Saturday: Exit Cabinet

Simplify Saturday: Exit CabinetToday I’m setting up an Exit Cabinet, a place to store all of the things that I need to take with me when I leave the house.

Right now, the items I need to gather and bring with me are scattered about. My bag is on the floor of the coat closet. The deposits I need to take to the bank and the items I need to mail at the post office sit in a pile on my desk.… Continue reading

40 Ways to Reduce Plastic Exposure

40 Ways to Reduce Plastic ExposureWhile plastics are pervasive and convenient, they come with a heavy toxic load. (You can find more information on the Hazards of Plastics HERE).

Some plastic exposure is beyond our immediate control. This type of exposure occurs when toxins from plastics are released during the production process and end up in our air, land, and waterways.

However, we also encounter plastics that we have more of a choice about: those used to package and store food, drinks, and medications, as well as the products we choose to keep and use within our homes.… Continue reading

Simplify Saturday: Decluttering Plastics

Simplify Saturday: Decluttering PlasticsToday I am again aiming to eliminate clutter around our home. In light of my post on the The Problem with Plastics, I set out to remove at least ten plastic items from our home. As with my other decluttering escapades, it was easy to find more than ten things to remove.

I encourage you to also remove at least 10 items from your home.… Continue reading

Simplify Saturday: Clean as you Go

As you go through your day, clean up little messes as you make them. Wipe up spills right away. Put the junk mail directly into the recycle bin. Rinse your dishes and immediately put them in the dishwasher as soon as you’re finished with them, instead of leaving them to pile up in the sink. Place your dirty clothes in the hamper as soon as you’ve taken them off of your body (or hang them up if you plan to wear them again).… Continue reading

The Problem with Plastics

The Problem with PlasticsFor a long time, plastics were seen as the material of the future. They can be made very strong and resistant to breaking, they can be formed into any shape and color, and they can be made with all sorts of textures and degrees of malleability and flexibility, they are lightweight, and they’re relatively inexpensive to produce.

I think we’re just beginning to see the problems caused by the long-term use of plastics.… Continue reading

Simplify Saturday: Donation Box

This week I set up a donation box in my closet. Now, every time I see something that I’m ready to part with, I can immediately take it and put it into the box. This should help eliminate the, “I’ll remember to grab that the next time I’m gathering a bag of things to give away.” Instead, I can take care of it immediately.… Continue reading

Simplify Saturday: Clean out Medicine Cabinet

Simplify Saturday: Clean out Medicine Cabinet

Today I went through my bathroom medicine cabinet. The cabinet was pretty much filled to maximum capacity. Most of the stuff in there is stuff that we want to keep around in case we need it (an assortment of essential oils, homeopathics, and herbals), but there were also many things that we no longer use.

For instance, I had a stash of essential oils of assorted brands from before I discovered Young Living.… Continue reading

The Wonder of Freecycle

If you don’t know about your local Freecycle community, you should. Freecycle is an amazing resource, both for obtaining and disposing of items.

The goal of Freecycle is to keep usable items out of the landfill by supporting and encouraging their re-use.

Over the past decade, I have given away hundreds of things via Freecycle. When I’m paring down, I frequently post items on Freecycle so that other people in my community can make use of them.… Continue reading

Reasons to love House Plants

Reasons to love Houseplants

I love my plants. I am warmed by seeing their greenery around the house, especially when the outside plants are dormant and bare for the winter. I trust them to help purify the air in my home, as plants are great natural air filters. Plants can also help reduce stress, similar to the way that being outside in nature can help reduce our stress levels.… Continue reading